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Regine Akalikumutima - Celebrating a teacher at the forefront of delivering sexuality education


Article from the ‘Connect & Learn’ Regional Community of Practice (CoP)

“It is time for us to break the silence and talk about sexuality education and reach the learners.”

Ms. Regine Akalikumutima from Rwanda was one of the first speakers during the launch webinar of the ‘Connect & Learn’ Regional Community of Practice (CoP). She is one of many teachers in sub-Saharan Africa who are concerned about the high prevalence of early and unintended pregnancy and HIV infection among adolescents and young people. She welcomed the establishment of the regional CoP that will empower teachers to break the barriers on all kinds of fear associated with delivery of sexuality education to learners.

"It is time for us to break the silence and talk about it (sexuality education) and reach the leaners” said Ms. Regine Akalikumutima Teacher in Rwanda.

Ms. Akalikumutima urged other teachers to stay up-to-date on CSE content and teaching methodology through UNESCO's Online CSE Course for Teachers. She explained that the course is helpful in ensuring that learners receive harmonized and accurate information. She believes that it leads to prevention of poor sexual and reproductive health issues among her learners.

Hope Club in Rwanda

With the knowledge and skills she gained through UNESCO-supported teacher training, she is bringing impact to children and young people in her community, beyond her school. Realizing that many children who live in child-headed households have limited opportunities to learn about sexuality, she established the Hope Club to share information on sexual and reproductive health, as well as offering counselling for children who require psychological guidance and support.

“I became a teacher to make a difference in young people’s lives. I believe guidance and accurate information can make a difference in one’s life, no matter how small. All I want is for these children’s life trajectory to change for the better as a result of receiving accurate information on issues affecting them,” said Ms. Akalikumutima.

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