An evaluation of the ESA Commitment is needed to assess the effectiveness of the Commitment in achieving targets and improving outcomes for young people. The evaluation will cover the entire implementation period from 2013 to 2020. It will cover the experiences of each member country and in-depth study will be conducted in ten purposefully selected countries from ESA and best practices documented and disseminated. The purpose of the evaluation seeks to;
Assess the processes and achievements made through the ESA Commitment efforts
Draw lessons that will inform the rationale/baseline for the extension of the ESA Commitment to 2030 to align with Agenda 2030.
Provide information on the nature, extent and where possible, the effect of the ESA Commitment to the sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescents and young
Assess the progress made in the specific areas of the ESA Commitment Accountability Framework
Assess the efficacy of the multi-sectoral mechanisms employed to realize the Commitment