Young people are at the centre of the ESA commitment
Young People Today is a platform that supports implementation of the ESA Ministerial Commitment on access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Youth-Friendly Health Services.
Step Up, Show Up, Speak Up
Young people in Eastern and Southern Africa lack basic knowledge of and access to crucial sexual and reproductive heath information and services, including issues related to HIV and pregnancy prevention.
Enter Young People Today…an initiative, supported by the United Nations, the Southern African Development Community, the East African Community and Civil Society Organizations to improve the health and well-being of young people in the region.

Blog Articles and Writeups

Young People Today
Young People Today is a platform that supports implementation of the ESA Ministerial Commitment on access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Youth-Friendly Health Services.
ESA Commitment
Led by Ministries of Health and Education from the ESA region and supported by the United Nations, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the East African Community (EAC) joined efforts to improve the lives of young people with sexuality education and health services in the region.